On Wednesday I shared a story about my walk with Star, my neighbour’s dog (See “Never Alone”). I didn’t give the whole story though. In the midst of Star’s frolicking, she was hit by a minivan. I watched as front and back tires rolled over Star and was horrified that the minivan continued down the street without stopping. Fortunately, Star was still alive, trying to get up and crying in pain. Nonetheless, I was devastated! Phoneless, carless, I knew I needed to get help for her. I ran (yes RAN) to the nearest phone and called her owner. By this time, the tears were flowing as the trauma of the hit and run sank in. I went back to where I left Star and saw her lying on the side of the road, no longer crying out, but breathing very laboriously. I realized that this was my turn to not leave her alone. I put my hand on her stomach, talked to her and prayed for her (yes I prayed for a dog because she is a part of creation and God cares about all of creation).
By the time as her owners arrived, she was lifting her head and her breathing was normal but she still could not move. Here in the islands we believe in the healing power of the sea and so Star was moved to the sea to hopefully ease her pain. Interestingly, I had walked in shorts that morning, something I never do because of the mosquitoes, but this proved to be providential because I was able to stand in the water with Star and (hopefully) provide her some comfort.
Apart from that, we were helpless. When we tried to move Star out of the water, she growled, cried, and attempted to bite. She tried moving herself when a crab got too close but she wasn’t able to move very far. Despite her cries of pain, her family knew it was necessary for her to go home and she would have to endure some pain for healing to take place. Eventually, Star was taken home, warmed up, fed, and loved on some more. A day later, Star is in good spirits. She probably has a broken hip and a broken front paw and she has several bruises but clearly she is a fighter. I am hoping that once her bones are reset, she will heal completely and once again run and prance around!
This is not Star but this is probably the bandaging she requires :-) |
There are so many lessons in this one incident. First, it was painful to watch Star hurting and not be able to help her. But my neighbour and I both recognized that we could not force ourselves on her. We often want things to hurry along and we try to assist God with what He needs/wants to do in our lives. Inevitably, we have to give up and allow His will to take place in His time. Then it was painful to move her and hear her shrieks of pain but she could not stay out there indefinitely. She needed more than what the sea could do. There are times when God requires us to play an active role in what He is doing and often our role brings discomfort to self or others. However, we have to trust His plan enough to know that there is purpose in the pain. The best thing for someone is not always the thing that causes the least suffering. Suffering often gives way to glory!
Are there roadblocks to your emotional, spiritual, or physical healing that seem too unbearable to face and overcome? I encourage you to deal with them face on and stop running from the pain. As the saying goes, no pain, no gain. Endure the immediate pain so you can attain the future freedom that awaits on the other side.
she almost looks like Star. And she is coming along good. We have a close friend who is going to put a brace on Star's back leg, maybe the front too. She is really a fighter. The sea cured her once from a poisoning, we thought she was gone, but with that and some bush medicine, Star was able to live. She reminds me of myself...strong, vibrant and full of fun.
ReplyDeletePraise God that Star lived, and is healing! I love the fact that you prayed for her! God bless you!!!