Since I am in transition, I have a lot of time on my hands. With time on my hands, there is much opportunity, sometimes too much, to think and wonder. And with these thoughts and wonderings often comes frustration because I don’t have a lot of answers right now. And I am the type who likes to have answers and likes to have a plan. So periods of uncertainty aren’t all that fun for me. If you are my facebook friend, you know I have been sharing thankful thoughts everyday...being intentional about finding things to be thankful for no matter how frustrated or disgusted I feel is how I am keeping sane lol. It gives me a sense of purpose and encourages me, and others too (I think).
Today was another thoughtful time of assessing and re-assessing, contemplating and bargaining (with God lol). As I was sharing my angst with a friend, God’s loving care shined through that moment to give me the boost I needed to take another step. Or rather, to decide to take another step. Any movement in any direction begins with a decision...all things, good and bad, begin in our heads...nothing just happens (sorry peeps, it doesn’t). And as I leaned into His open arms, extended in love to once again comfort me in yet another moment of crisis, an image came to mind.

I had to navigate my way over the rocks, looking for smoother parts to step on. I would take a couple steps then get to a particularly rough section and have to stop and look around to figure out where to step next. Sometimes, I could only take one step at a time. Sometimes, I had to suck it up and just step in rough places because there was no smooth area nearby. That is how the Christian walk is. It is stop and go, smooth and rough...
Beautiful picture and description of life with Christ, it reminds me of the footprints poem;)