Romantic relationships are hard work. They feel good when things are right. But oh the pain and heartache that comes when things are wrong. Hollywood has sold us a dream. And many of us have bought into the dream. In 90 minutes we see a beautiful romance build and blossom. Two people meet and fall for one another. They have a whirlwind romance. Then there’s a misunderstanding. They part ways for about 20-25 minutes of the movie. And in the final 15 minutes, they reunite, realize they just can’t live without one another, rekindle the love flames, and the movie ends with everyone happy. And we walk out...TRICKED (again!)
In real life, there are mood swings, differences of opinions, mismatched sex drives, household chores, work schedules, religious differences, family strife and friendship wars, all competing to be the ONE thing
hat breaks the camel’s back. But we hold on...We hold onto hope, we hold onto love, which sometimes is really infatuation. Nonetheless, we hold on and sometimes we hold out. We hold out thinking that punishment will lead to transformation.
Real relationships require a lot of C’s. Connection between two people that goes beyond the mere physical
ut also involves emotional, mental and spiritual connection. Commitment to work together, not against one another to deal with the good and bad and hang in through the varying seasons of life. Communication to talk through the rough patches, to be the sounding board for our partners. Not only to be an ear but, to offer advice they may not want to hear. Compassion and Care go a long way, too. As we offer understanding and support we solidify the bonds that will overcome future ought. Conflict is most often avoided b
ut it should be faced head on and worked through because conflict well managed will bring forth good fruit.
Relationships are gifts from God. They enrich our lives if we make wise choices. Choices based on compatibility and common interests, instead of merely cash flow or cuteness. Whether we have a romantic relationship or not, we should surely foster our friend and family relationships too. Life is all about balance and no one person can meet all our relational needs. So let’s be friends before lovers, good mothers and good daughters, faithful fathers and sons, loving brothers and sisters, companions and confidantes, and friends to the end. And through it all, let’s never forget to thine own self be true.
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